Jef Ryun Shears - Artist Portfolio

The images and animations demonstrate digital 2D and 3D work I have performed, primarily as a game artist & animator.

WordsAway Screenshots. As Lead Artist I guided the old-style magic show graphics for this word-based puzzle game developed in Unity. I also contributed numerous animations.

WordsAway Screenshots. As Lead Artist I guided the old-style magic show graphics for this word-based puzzle game developed in Unity. I also contributed numerous animations.

Braid Level Concept. I designed and Photoshop-painted this and other level concepts for Number None during the early phase of development for the smash indie game, Braid.

Braid Level Concept. I designed and Photoshop-painted this and other level concepts for Number None during the early phase of development for the smash indie game, Braid.

Freeze Character Design & Promotional Ad Graphic created for this game intended for the Japanese arcade market. I designed most of the game's characters and created 3D rendered backgrounds and character animation sets.

Freeze Character Design & Promotional Ad Graphic created for this game intended for the Japanese arcade market. I designed most of the game's characters and created 3D rendered backgrounds and character animation sets.

Skate Rat Character Designs. Characters for a game design and IP I created - the base idea being a skateboarding game intended for a young audience.

Skate Rat Character Designs. Characters for a game design and IP I created - the base idea being a skateboarding game intended for a young audience.

Skate Rat screenshots. I designed and created levels + character animations for Skate Rat's cast of characters.

Skate Rat screenshots. I designed and created levels + character animations for Skate Rat's cast of characters.

PGA Tour Course Select Screen. I served as Lead Artist for this trackball-controlled arcade port of EA's signature golf title. We had to re-design the UI screens + create new golf course additions.

PGA Tour Course Select Screen. I served as Lead Artist for this trackball-controlled arcade port of EA's signature golf title. We had to re-design the UI screens + create new golf course additions.

PGA Tour Character Select Screen. Another trackball-designed UI screen from this arcade game.

PGA Tour Character Select Screen. Another trackball-designed UI screen from this arcade game.

Mutant Zombies. I served as a Senior & Lead Artist for this Unity-based indie game, released on Steam. In this image, I modeled/textured the middle 'brain-zombie' creature + laid out, rendered the final image.

Mutant Zombies. I served as a Senior & Lead Artist for this Unity-based indie game, released on Steam. In this image, I modeled/textured the middle 'brain-zombie' creature + laid out, rendered the final image.

3D PBR Props. I created these and numerous other props for a subway terminal station level intended as a simulation training venue for a government contract project (Armada 3D).

3D PBR Props. I created these and numerous other props for a subway terminal station level intended as a simulation training venue for a government contract project (Armada 3D).

Satellite communication between centers (Armada 3D). I modeled, textured, lit and rendered this graphic for a government sub-contract project.

Satellite communication between centers (Armada 3D). I modeled, textured, lit and rendered this graphic for a government sub-contract project.

MONOPOLY Hotels - iPhone Gameplay. I animated characters for this EA title developed in Unity. I did animation sets (idles, walks, laughs, etc.), for 8-9 characters including Mr. Potato Head, My Little Ponies, Littlest Pet Shop pets + non-IP characters.

WordsAway - GamePlay Instruction Video. I created this video of game play + instructional tips as a marketing tool for WordsAway.